Hendrick's Orbium Gin

750ml Bottle

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    William Grant & Sons Ltd.
    43.4% Alcohol
    Gluten Free
    Product Description

    Hendrick's Orbium Gin is what Hendrick's might taste like in a parallel universe. Orbium is a reimagining of Hendrick's Gin by our Master Distiller, Lesley Gracie. Orbium derives from the word 'orb', the plural of Orbis and the Latin for circle. It is inspired by Lesley's description of the liquid's journey. It represents the spherical round taste that Lesley refers to when describing Hendrick's house style. Instilled with additional extracts of Quinine, Wormwood and Lotus Blossom, the result is an oddly exquisite gin that sits roundly on the palate, complementing our beloved cucumber and rose essences. It is almost certainly not for everyone, nor available forever. Orbium is distilled in exceedingly small batches and has a finite window of existence. Hendrick's Orbium Gin contains the same distillates as Hendrick's Gin, however, the same remarkable mind that broke conventions by infusing gin with essences of cucumber and rose has now taken gin in an altogether new direction by infusing flavors that are traditionally associated with classic gin libations; quinine found in tonic (Gin & Tonic) and wormwood found in Vermouth (Martini Cocktail). But it is not yet quite Orbium.